Ever since I was a little girl I remember my mother was always armed with her Avon brochures. She was a sales representative for Avon for over 30 years and she loved every minute of it. I remember in the hot summer months she wouldn't allow me or my brothers out the door without swabbing us with
Skin So Soft (SSS) Bath Oil. She'd say "It'll keep the bugs from eating you."
Seems like someone clued in
Avon about their wonder SSS Bath Oil doubling as bug guard which eventually (and years later) inspired one of their bestselling lines -
Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus. These products not only repel mosquitoes, but also deer ticks, and gnats. The Bug Guard Expedition repels mosquitoes that may transmit West Nile. The best part all the Bug Guard contains SPF 30.
Each summer I buy a couple of these bottles because we go through it a lot in my house. At the beach, and specially when we have our BBQs with family and friends, I leave out 1 or 2 bottles for everyone to use. Most guests are surprised by the pleasant scent, and most sprays provide protection between 6-8 hours.
My mom now is retired and no longer does her "Avon calling", however she still calls me to remind me not to forget to put on the "bath oil." Mother knows best!
Available in spray or in lotion visit
Avon or ask (and support) your local Avon representative for more details. On Sale Now!